
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Analytical Essay – Even Wives Want a Wife

Even Wives Want a Wife In today’s society the wife is seen as the member of the household that upkeeps the house and caters to other’s needs. Who wouldn’t want one of these of their own? In â€Å"I Want a Wife† the author Judy Brady sarcastically explains why everyone would want a wife. She begins with a story of how a friend of hers is newly single and he is looking for â€Å"a wife† although in reality he wants a servant; Brady then realizes that she too wants a wife of her own (Brady 542).The main points made in the essay are what the wife would do for the author such as household chores, taking care of children, catering to her friends and many other satirical duties. All the while several literary devices are used to enhance the article. She uses these elements to show sexist and selfish ideas of men that are prevalent in society. â€Å"I Want a Wife† efficiently reasons for how the male gender generalizes the role of a wife in a sexist way in our society by making use of ethos, logos, pathos, satire and repetition.Ethos is used in the essay as Brady is a wife herself. Since she is she must have a certain expertise of being a wife. As she states in one of the beginning paragraphs â€Å"I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am a wife. And, not altogether incidentally I am a mother† (Brady 542). This shows her credibility; that all the jobs and duties she mentioned must have been personally experienced by her. The many jobs and chores discussed make the audience feel sympathy for wives and the author herself through pathos.The author concludes the essay by saying â€Å"My god, who wouldn’t want a wife† (Brady 544)? This rhetorical question allows the readers to determine that this idea is wrong and treats women like a lesser being compared to men. The ending also evokes the reader to take action towards the topic. The author utilizes logos by stating many facts such as jobs women often do while speaking through experience. She lists all of these over exaggerated duties to indirectly saying that women are expected to do too much in today’s society.Brady speaks of several seemingly unethical chores like cleaning the house, preparing dinner to serve to friends and not speaking when the husband is talking (Brady 543). This helps get her point across by exaggeration to show how the wife is expected to have a servant like persona. Brady uses satire from the beginning of the essay to the very end of it. It is mainly used to show a male viewpoint of a wife. â€Å"And I want a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail more than strict adherence to monogamy.I must, after all, be able to relate to people as fully as possible† (Brady 544). Here the author satirizes the man’s view of what the wife must do and what he should be able to do, which in this case is have various partners. The use of satire is very effective in this article demonstrating how a man expects to have a perfect wife further illustrating the author’s image of sexism in society. Repetition is used in several of the author’s paragraphs. â€Å"I want a wife† (Brady 543) is used in the beginning of a few paragraphs to catch your eye and to get Brady’s idea burnt into your brain.This also helps as a smooth transition for the many duties described that the wife must do. Continually stating this phrase raises the thoughts of the audience making them want a wife as well. The author made fantastic use of literary devices throughout the essay. The effectiveness of satire to me was the most powerful using it to demonstrate how men expect so much from women and how many of the duties they perform are almost slave like. Ethos, logos and pathos were used successfully in many instances that appealed to the senses.As Brady is a wife and mother herself this make her a credible source so she clearly knows what she is speaking of. There was emotional appeal making the audience sympathize for the wife and feel anger towards men. Logic was used to show the wife’s duties and what their husbands expect of them. In conclusion I thought this was a very well thought out and written article because it attempts to make the reader want to take action against the topic through all of these elements.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Assumption Used in the Analysis and Completion of Report and Justifications

Premise Used the Analysis and Completion of Report and Justifications Pull offing human resource, order and supplies of resource Pull offing of human resources use to inspect the activities from get downing to the terminal of the building work. So, a good undertaking direction must smartly prosecute the efficient feat of labour. In this subdivision, Numberss of specializer participate, sum of hired workers or employee and name listing will listed out. About workers, we about hire 65 workers and guarantee those workers are legal. Pull offing the human resources is able to do certain the undertaking can run with swimmingly, because if delay occupation in either one subdivision, it will impact the undermentioned activities. So, the continuance to managing of human resources will meet for 1 hebdomad and another 1 hebdomad will supply as to order and supplies the resources, such as edifice stuffs. Why order the edifice stuffs need usage of 1 hebdomad to finish? Because telling a quality of stuffs is an highly of import subdivision in building procedure. The high quality of stuffs will be chosen in full edifice proc edure which to concern about user safety while they are utilizing. So, this subdivision should be pull off decently and to guarantee that we have sufficient clip to obtain the quality and necessary edifice stuffs. Leveling of land and stacking This subdivision ; dimensioning, grading of land and stacking foundation should pull off with decently because it will impact the full building procedure. We had measured good about the size of land we needed before the building commence. After that, we will get down leveling the land after the size of land is confirmed. After completion of those, so began stacking foundation. A foundation is need to back up the weight of whole edifice. So, a proper foundation work is indispensable to guarantee that the base construction is stable, strong and able to defy all of the burden. This full subdivision have entire 30 workers will delegate to this occupation and will be taken entire 6 hebdomads to finish and it including issue that delay the work such as errors in dirt study, bad conditions conditions and others. Drain system The drainage system besides need to pull off with decently because it may do all kinds of jobs to develop. For illustration, pipes to barricade, it may do the toilet’s drainage is non smooth, the H2O will go ponding, which is H2O that’s non traveling off and it will do people incommodiousness. So, this subdivision must be managed with decently and to guarantee that job will non go on. In this subdivision, there are entire 20 workers and 4 hebdomads will be taken to finish it. Footing and columns four of floor block After finish grading of land, stacking and drainage system’s subdivision, so will get down of terms and columns four of floor block. Footing are the parts of of import subdivision in building phase. Normally, they are reinforced with concrete and rebar has been poured to unearth trenches. After that, workers should detect the concrete has no snap when the concrete wholly dry. In this procedure, it is necessitate a long clip to allow the concrete prohibitionist before carry on the following activities. Hence, entire 30 workers and 12 hebdomads will be taken to carry on this subdivision. Constructing floor slab, walls, doors, window and paseo After complete those subdivision, will get down edifice floor slab, walls, doors, window and paseo on each floor. Constructing shocking slabs should pull off with decently, because it’s used to defy all of the burden. So, we had make certain that the concrete floor slab panel are put ining at edifice building are high quality, to guarantee that it can defy all of the burden. Constructing the floor slab better cautiousness on it because it may ensue in serious snap job and slab remission, particularly in slab placed on hapless undersoil. After that, they will get down to construct a walls, window, doors and paseo. Door size, paseos and stepss is to guarantee the flows of pupils are smooth when they enter or exit the schoolroom. The steps besides will functioning every bit 2 rows at each floor. This full subdivision have 35 workers to delegate this occupation and will taken entire 14 hebdomads to finish and it including issue that delay the work such as hurts of worker, bad cond itions conditions and others. Concept roofing and ceiling board Roofing is the first bed to cover the top portion of the edifice to forestall leaking of rain H2O or exposed from the sunshine. To avoid roofing destroy by natural jeopardies, choice stuff of roof should be chosen to get the better of harm issues such as blowing of strong air current, storms, rain and others. Then about the ceiling board, the gypsum board has been chosen to construct up the ceiling following by the roof constructed complete. In order to avoid the ceiling board easy broken and may do pupils injured, build the ceiling board should be managed by decently. We had chosen the high quality of gypsum board to construct up the ceiling and guarantee that it could non easy harm. This subdivision, entire 25 workers and 7 hebdomads will be taken to carry on it. Construct the rain trough After finish concept the roofing and ceiling board, will get down to build the rain trough. The primary map of rain trough is to direct rain from the roof of the edifice to the land, in such a manner it does non damage the edifice with easy. As like that, TARUC besides can no necessitate pass money to rework the edifice in a short clip. About this subdivision, will be taken entire 5 workers and 3 hebdomads to finish it. Construct divider walls About concept divider walls this subdivision, we will build a movable divider walls between schoolrooms to move as an intermediate units. Because, it has multi-function. For illustration, when pupils during test, all of the divider walls can be moved to transform the schoolrooms into a hall to go the exam locale. As like that, it can salvage topographic point and salvage cost. The classrooms transform into a hall can suit more pupils when they are assemble and TARUC besides can salvage cost, need non to construct another hall to go a pupil test locale. Construct divider walls, will be taken entire 15 workers and 4 hebdomads to finish. Construct the public toilet, tiling, repairing of lavatories fixtures and equipment In order to allow pupils no demand to travel to the lavatory so far off, we will be concept 1 male public toilet and 1 female public toilet with 6 lavatories at each floor. It’s in order to do them more convenience. In order to allow pupils are safety and avoid go oning accident when usage the lavatory, we will take antiskid tiling to go a toilet’s tile. It’s avoid people slip easy. Then, the fixture and equipment of lavatory which are include wash basins, H2O pipe, drier and other. Complete this subdivision, will be taken entire 25 workers and 6 hebdomads to carry on. Internal picture In this subdivision, odorless, eco-friendly, non-toxic and easy maintained pigment will be chosen. The colour chosen for picture is of import because in order to construct a comfy acquisition and learning country. The wall will be painted in 2 beds. 1 bed is an underpainting and another bed will be a white colour pigment. 15 workers will delegate in this occupation and estimated clip for the internal picture occupation brush for 2 hebdomads as unskilled labour may detain the velocity to finish the occupation. Installation of electrical supplies, electrical lighting and fixture system In this subdivision, the most complicated subdivision are install wiring and electric socket, it should put in decently to guarantee that the electricity able connect to overseas telegram. Lightning is of import to a schoolrooms, we need to guarantee that pupils can see the white board and projector screen with clearly when coach instruction, we had chosen a bright visible radiation. Furthermore, we besides choose the types of illuming are low electromotive force electrical system and energy salvaging to salvage cost on electric measure and protect environment every bit good. 10 workers will in charge in this subdivision and the continuance to transport on this subdivision will take entire 5 hebdomads. Install the fire water faucet equipment The fire hydrant equipment is necessary equipment that need to put in near the edifice because if happen fire incident, it can direct decide job. So, it is highly of import to a whole edifice. About install the fire hydrant equipment we will managed with decently, we need to guarantee that the fire water faucet can be used with swimmingly when have pressing demand. Complete this subdivision, will be taken entire 5 workers and 5 hebdomads to carry on. Install the H2O dispenser equipment at each floor In a hot twenty-four hours, H2O dispenser equipment can said that is highly of import to a pupil, because they need a batch of H2O to quench. In order to allow pupils can imbibe H2O at anytime, anyplace in the hot twenty-four hours, we are install the H2O dispenser equipment at each paseo, its let pupils can acquire the H2O with more convenience and guarantee that they are non H2O deficit. The H2O dispenser has provide hot and cold H2O to allow the pupils chosen. Install this equipment will take entire 5 workers and 4 hebdomads to finish it. Puting of floor rubrics, Windowss and doors After finish install those equipment, following should be puting the floor rubrics, installing of Windowss and doors. The doors for entryway or issue should be equip with the maps of slow and quite closing to a tight sound when it’s to the full closed. Besides, the stepss and paseo should construct in proper size and way to avoid the deformation learning procedure in advancement. This subdivision, will be taken entire 15 workers and 5 hebdomads to carry on. Construct the landscapes on new schoolroom block In order to allow a pupils have a fresh and beautiful environment, we will set a assorted types of flowers and trees in the garden. The trees can cut down the air temperature by barricading sunshine and it besides can shadow difficult surface countries, such as pavements and edifice therefore minimising landscape heat burden. Hence, we set up a chairs under the tree in order to allow pupils can discourse assignment or chit-chat at that topographic point during a break times. The landscapes at new schoolroom block, we will take entire 10 workers and 2 hebdomads to build and it including issue that delay the work such as bad conditions conditions. External picture After finish concept the landscapes, we will get down the external picture. The picture merchandises are chosen rainproof, odourless, acerb and fungus resistant to avoid utmost rain H2O or hot conditions affects the edifice mentality. External picture besides will be painted in 2 beds. 1 beds is underpainting and another bed is peach colour pigment and unite some design. 10 workers will delegate in this occupation and estimated clip for the external picture occupation brush for 2 hebdomads as unskilled labour and upwind conditions may detain the velocity to finish the occupation. Puting and repairing the air conditioning system, fans and light bulb Puting the air conditioner system and fans is to heighten plenty air supply to present a cool air around the schoolroom, there are entire 2 air conditioners and 3 fans which are environmental friendly will be puting. The types of air conditioner and fan should run with noiseless operation, it is to forestall pupils will disturbance from noise when they attend categories. There are 10 workers and entire 5 hebdomads times will be taken including clip taken in care occupation. Puting and repairing the computing machine equipment, projector, projector screen and white board Puting computing machine equipment, projector, projector screen and white board is required in schoolrooms. The computing machine should put in to the projector to enable coach show information at the projector screen. And the projector should high quality which to guarantee that the information are show from the projector are clearly. The size of white board should be larger in order to allow coach able to compose extra information. Puting for this subdivision, entire 10 workers to delegate this occupation and will take entire 4 hebdomads times including error or faulty occur in puting procedure. Puting and repairing of tabular arraies, chairs, talker, mike, dais and host station The size of schoolrooms able accommodate around 30 pupils ; the tabular arraies with chairs will be provided with 30 set to enable 30 pupils to utilize. Besides, the schoolrooms besides will puting a talker and mike, it is enable full pupils can listen with clearly when coach is use mike instruction at the host station. Podium besides needed as coach can put their paperss or file while learning. Puting for this subdivision will take entire 5 workers and 4 hebdomads to finish. Beautifying, touchup and signage After completed puting all system and equipment, will get down beautifying and touchup the edifice. We had to touchup the exterior paintwork where it was necessary in order to lift ocular perceptual experience. The signage of new schoolroom block will be a ‘Block W’ , and this signage will construct every bit large as possible at wall of the edifice in order to allow pupils can comprehend with easy. About each schoolrooms of signage will put as ‘W001’ until ‘W024’ . This subdivision, 5 workers will to delegate it and will take 2 hebdomads to carry on. Clearing and cleansing In glade and cleansing occupations, we will clean up up all of the equipment are used in the building edifice. Besides, we besides need to clean the full edifice of schoolrooms to do certain that the classroom’s environment are clean and free from dust before a coachs and pupils get downing utilizing. This full subdivision will lend by 5 workers and used for 1 hebdomad to behavior. Authority cheque for safety business This subdivision is the last and besides is the most of import subdivision in this full procedure. Because it’s to do certain that the installations are safety and able to work. Electric contraptions such as electric socket, illuming and air conditioner should be trial. Equipment such as computing machine, projector and projector screen and others should re-examine to guarantee that there are able to work when tutor start to utilize. Ceiling board and Windowss should be examined every bit good to forestall leaking of rainwater while raining. Hence, this subdivision will take 1 hebdomads to finish and after, this full procedure can be said to be finished. 1. Introduction/ Description on Undertaking This undertaking is an enlargement of schoolrooms undertaking in TAR UC in chief campus which is located in Setapak country, Kuala Lumpur. We are building a block of 4 storey walk-up schoolrooms. This undertaking will take an estimated of 78 weeks/ 20 months. The intent of this undertaking is to run into and work out the job of insufficient schoolrooms due to raising figure of pupils in TAR UC. Other than merely constructing more schoolrooms we besides intend to supply a more comfy learning environment to lectors and better larning environment to pupils. Therefore, this undertaking requires elaborate planning and organizing. In this undertaking, we are building 8 schoolrooms on each floor, so there will be a sum of 32 schoolrooms. In order to supply a good-condition acquisition environment, we will put in a white board, dais, host station, 30 sets of tabular array and chair, 2 air conditioners and 4 ceiling fans. Air conditioner that we are traveling to put in in schoolrooms are inverted air conditioner as this merchandise will non let go of harmful gases that will finally harm student’s wellness. To help the lecturers’ learning in category, we will so fit the schoolrooms with some installations. For illustration projector screens projector, talker, mike and besides computing machine. Other than that, we will do a movable divider between schoolrooms to move as intermediate units. All the dividers can be moved to change over the schoolroom into a hall for other uses for illustration to go an exam locale during test. 2 rows of stairway are planned for each floor. One male public toilet and one female public toilet with 6 lavatories will be constructed at each floor. Students will non hold to wait long in the public toilet as more lavatories are provided. 5. Opinions, Recommendations and Decisions Sing to the premises of telling building stuffs or any natural stuffs needed from different providers, this may increase the edifice cost for this undertaking. For illustration, we might necessitate to pay excess for logistic, transit or workers fees. After all, we need to see the bringing clip of stuffs. Therefore, we recommend that telling of building and natural stuffs are better from providers that provide good quality stuffs and besides bringing of stuffs to building site. This will straight assist to cut down a spot of the building cost in this undertaking. Besides that, conditions during the whole building undertaking will impact the advancement of building work. We assume workers can non work on raining yearss. For any hold of completion work after the agreed day of the month, builder will be fined and it might besides impact the college’s agreement of category division for new semester. Hence, we recommend constructing collapsible shelters at building site. Besides, workers have to guarantee that certain natural stuffs could non acquire wet. Workers’ advancement could be slow during raining twenty-four hours even with collapsible shelters provided. However, workers do non hold the alibi to halt working wholly and merely acquire back to work until the rain Michigans. In add-on, we include the healthy job about the employee like they may vomit or acquire injured in working, so we should purchase them insurance. So, we should engage more employees in order to forestall the hold of building work due to absent of employee. Furthermore, employee satisfaction will straight act upon the full procedure, therefore we should supply standard measure of nutrient for them while working. This will assist to diminish the feeding clip, better the energy and satisfaction of worker and take the building work complete expeditiously. As building workers will be working in college’s compound, safety of all including pupils and lectors need to be put in precedence. So we need the individuality and listing of all the building workers to guarantee workers are legal. College need to work with the building company that has good repute and efficient.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How does culture affect politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

How does culture affect politics - Essay Example The shared beliefs and norms usually define people’s expectations and how they should deal with issues once they arise. It affects the way people think and the processes of communication. Culture shapes a person and how he or she views the world. People’s identities are defined by their belief system, and people are satisfied that they belong to a certain community. On the other hand, politics is defined as shared symbol system. It links members of a group to a certain leadership system. Thus, the essay critically discusses how culture affects politics. Ideally, every country has a political culture which is defined by the shared values, norms and belief systems. The shared beliefs define the relationship between government and the citizens. People are brought together in a nation by heritage and language which defines how people should relate with one another. In a nation, people are held together by ideologies, patriotism and religion. Countries have different type of ideologies such as communism and capitalism. A nation will choose the type of ideology to adapt depending on the beliefs, norms, and values a country uphold (Skocpol 23). Consequently, culture has a powerful influence on people’s behaviors and thoughts. In the world today, interaction between different nations has resulted to change in people’s culture. People from different parts of the world share their views on different issues hence affecting their belief system. As a result, the political systems have been altered as a result of the change in different cultures. Through the shared ideas and principles, the political systems in most parts of the world have changed (Robert 166). Subsequently, a political system refers to the learned beliefs about a political system and how they operate wsith certain political boundaries. Political culture affects the way people see their political world and the value they give to it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Positive Behavior Support Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Positive Behavior Support - Research Paper Example The positive behavior support is an essential form of applied behavior analysis. The PBS often uses system towards understanding the principles that often maintains the changing human behaviors. The inappropriate behaviors of humanity are often difficult to change since they form the functional purpose of humanity. Human behaviors are often supported and reinforced by the environment upon which they exist (Klein, Cook, and Richardson-Gibbs, 2001). Therefore, in case of children and students, adults’ form the environment about which the child grows. Thus, the behaviors of the adult that will shape and reinforce the child or student’s desirable behaviors since children and students will only receive attention and or objects because of the adult’s behavior.According to functional behavior assessments, behaviors are often identified within defined contexts including situation, time, and events that usually define or predict the occurrence or lack of occurrence of beh avior as well as the identity that will consequently maintain such a behavior. FBAs also create and summarize hypothesis on behavior (Gonzalez and Joint Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership, 2009). This hypothesis directly collects data and observes behaviors to obtain the baseline of these behaviors before other external or social factors get into play. Ideally, positive behaviors often support processes that lead to identification of goals, information gathering, implementation and monitoring, hypothesis development, and support plan design. (Simonsen and et al., 2010). Decreasing undesirable behaviors requires techniques that include desirability, feasibility, and effectiveness. However, teachers and parents often require these strategies, and they must be willing to use them towards making the students and children to participate in school and community development activities (Hanbury, 2007). Notably, positive behavior support has been recognized as a strategy that helps in meeting these strategies effectively. Changing reinforcement and stimulus in the teaching and environment of the child will automatically strengthen deficit skills in areas that their behaviors will change to allow them general education setting (Gonzalez and Joint Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership, 2009). There are usually three deficit skills areas that children and students will always changes due to the change in their environment factors. These areas include social skills, communication skills, and self-management skills (Riffel, 2011). Positive behavior support often forms a re-directive therapy especially in line with parent child relationship. In most cases, when other treatments plans fail, the re-directive therapy is often allowed for positive interaction between children and parents as well as between teachers and teachers. Origin and Development of Positive Behavior Support The positive behavior support or the positive behavioral intervention and or support originated from quite controversial circumstances that were overseen as related to the individuals’

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Starwood Hotels to India Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Starwood Hotels to India - Case Study Example This paper will evaluate the environmental and competitive aspects of the Indian market that aloft will be exposed to once it begin its operation. The paper will also evaluate sound corporate and global strategies that aloft can adopt to improve its performance in the market to make a significant impact. Changes have occurred in the Indian business market since the reforms initiated in the 90s and the pro-market reforms that changed the perception of the Indian market towards foreign entities. The current growth pace of the Indian market presents a number of opportunities to local and foreign investors. With a world gross domestic product of the country expected to rise by over 5%, the country’s business environment has a strong ability to sustain new business entries (Thadani & Mobar, 2013). With the United States’ world gross domestic product expected to decline, India has the opportunity to rise into the third pole behind china and the United States. This environment presents a massive opportunity for aloft under Starwood hotels and resort to tap on the emerging growth in the sector. Increase in foreign investment in the country will increase the demand for hotels and resorts in the country and this presents a massive opportunity for aloft and Starwood hotels and resort (Tisdell, 2013). Starwood hotels and resort has faced massive competition from domestic entities in the country that will present massive competitive challenge to aloft should it enter the market. Companies like Indian hotels, the Leela ventures, Kamat hotels and the royal orchid have operated in the country for over a decade. These companies have chains of hotels and resorts in the major cities on India and have massive customer base among the local and foreign revelers. This is due to its massive investments, currently standing at $284 million after the pro-market reforms, which

Monday, August 26, 2019

Management and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management and Leadership - Essay Example The leadership activities and that of management are quite different in Wal-Mart. The management of Wal-Mart is generally focused on excellent planning and organizing so that there is attainment of desired success in business. The management has a good responsibility to motivate the employees. The store manager arranges regular meetings with an intention to keep the employees updated (Cheng, 2006). Wal-Mart follows transformational leadership so that the employees of the company can be improved and can approach towards attaining success. This type of leadership can make the company more successful by providing value to its associates. The founder of Wal-Mart regularly visits the associates in order to appreciate them for their support towards the company. The four factors of transformational leadership that has an influence on the employees of Wal-Mart include ‘idealize influence’, ‘inspirational motivation’, ‘intellectual stimulation’ and †˜individual consideration’. ... The management of the company is essentially related to the planning and motivation, whereas leadership strategy is completely based on the transformational leadership for success of the company as it involves transformation of the employees and improves their performance. The company also follows cost leadership style for gaining competitive benefit. 2.0 Roles and Responsibilities of Organizational Managers and Leaders in Creating and Maintaining a Healthy Organizational Culture There is great role for leaders and managers of the company for attaining the performance objectives and maintaining the culture of the organization. The eight competency levels of the company enable it to gain huge success. The leadership competencies are communicated to all the leaders throughout the company. The roles in which managers and leaders have provided prime focus are communication, developing others, motivating, focusing on customers, regular improvement, listening, and team development and orga nizing or planning (Bergdahl, 2004). The managers provide assistance to the associates by helping, informing and motivating them to operate the business effortlessly. The employees are motivated frequently and provided regular updates regarding the new issues of the store. The managers have the responsibility to communicate the vision to the employees to maintain the culture. The associates are trained for the present task and also are prepared for upcoming prospects. Cross training is conducted throughout the company from various functional areas and it is considered as an excellent method. Motivating the employees is a vital part of the managers. With an endeavor to increase motivation level, to reduce the boredom from

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility and Poverty Essay

Corporate Social Responsibility and Poverty - Essay Example nations have achieved high levels of prosperity based on the support provided to them by private organization that invested in the nations and help out in others ways through corporate social responsibilities initiatives. This paper provides analyzes the effect of corporate social responsibility in developing and developed nations. Corporate responsibility is the commitment of businesses to contribute to sustainable economic development, working with employees, their families, local communities and society at large to improve the quality of life of everyone (Centidamar & Husoy, 2007). The contributions of corporate responsibility towards the sustainable development of a region and the globe can either be directly or indirectly. An indirect contribution of a company’s presence is a region is lowering the government’s unemployment rate by creating a substantial amount of new employment opportunities for the unemployed residents of a region. Coca-Cola is a multinational firm the as of 2003 employed nearly 30,000 people in the People’s Republic of China and creates through the supplier chain effect nearly 410,000 in the country (Thecoca-colacompany, 2007). This beverage company has applied corporate responsibility initiatives to directly help the community of China. Two examples of the types o f social project in which the company donates resources is an HIV initiative which donates on a yearly basis 340,000 RMB to help support 150 organ children infected with the HIV virus and Coca Cola’s sponsorship of the 2012 Olympic Games in Beijing, China (Businessfightsaids, 2007). Corporate Responsibility is a balancing act between the global stakeholder’s interest and the shareholders interest. A shareholder has a narrow mind as far as what they feel is the most important goals since their only interest is to have the value of their investment go up which typically occurs with increase revenue and profitability. The manager of the firm is the one responsible of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Holistic Care of the Adult across the Age Continuum Scholarship Essay

Holistic Care of the Adult across the Age Continuum - Scholarship Essay Example 2. Element (i) consists of short answer questions focusing on numeracy skills in relation to acute and continuing care issues. Students will be required to answer ALL questions correctly in this component (element requires 100% to pass). The use of a calculator is permitted to confirm answers. (Weighting: pass of element (i) constitutes 30% of examination total) 3. Element (ii) consists of long answer questions based on an unseen scenario. A selection of three scenarios will be given and the student will be required to select ONE scenario only. Each scenario is divided into two parts: Part 1 - Acute Care: requires the student to discuss and analyse appropriate assessment and management of care strategies adopting an ABCDE approach. Part 2 - Continuing Care: requires the student to examine longer term, holistic care needs in relation to self management of disease, pertinent to the given scenario (weighting 70% of examination) 'The emphasis is on ability to relate complex elements of knowledge to one another; to seek links and to demonstrate a critical approach to data, evidence and where appropriate reflect on experience. ''This should illustrate ability to audit own skills and to demonstrate understanding of how the student monitors personal development and learning.' N.B. Length: '2000 or word equivalence' N.B. It is permissible to exceed the stated word limit by up to 10%, without penalty. Assignments which exceed these limits are liable to be penalised by the deduction of 5 marks per 1000 words excess (e.g. If a 1000 word assignment, 5 marks off for 1101-2000words, 10 marks off for 2101-3100 words, and so on). Specific Guidelines: '1. The unseen examination will be 2 hours in length and consist of two elements 2. Element (i) consists of short answer questions focusing on numeracy skills in relation to acute and continuing care issues. Students will be required to answer ALL questions correctly in this component (element requires 100% to pass). The use of a calculator is permitted to confirm answers. (Weighting: pass of element (i) constitutes 30% of examination total) 3. Element (ii) consists of long answer questions based on an unseen scenario. A selection of three scenarios will be given and the student will be required to select ONE scenario only. Each scenario is divided into two parts: Part 1 - Acute Care: requires the student to discuss and analyse appropriate assessment and management of care strategies adopting an ABCDE approach. Part 2 - Continuing Care: requires the student to examine longer term, holistic care needs in relation to self management of disease, pertinent to the given scenario (weighting 70% of examination) 4. Element (ii) should analyse relevent and appropriate evidence based practice' Confidentiality Please refer to the Student Guidelines Relating to the maintenance of Confidentiality in Assignments found in the module handbook. Anonymous Marking: With reference to The Principles and Regulations 2006/7 Appendix A, the Faculty of Health and Social Care will apply anonymous marking (AM) to all assessed work, where it is practicable to do so. N.B. You must

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing Management of Wal-Mart Research Paper

Marketing Management of Wal-Mart - Research Paper Example The author of the paper states that a clerk working at Wal-Mart will hear approximately 475 blips from her scanner per hour, these scans will then appear within the hour at the company's headquarters via its 460-terabyte computer system. This computer system, according to the New York Times, carries more data than the entire Internet. " Wal-Mart themselves on their website claim, "Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is the world's largest retailer, with $285.2 billion in sales in the fiscal year ending Jan. 31, 2005. The company employs 1.6 million associates worldwide through more than 3,700 facilities in the United States and more than 2,400 units in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. More than 138 million customers per week visit Wal-Mart stores worldwide"  With such data that speak for themselves, the mass retailing giant must be doing something right. Marketing m ay be defined as any gesture executed to create, satisfy, and keep customers. Wal-Mart seems to have mastered the art of bringing in customers to its stores as well as retaining them. It has aligned itself unerringly with the six Ps of marketing comprising of price, product (or service), place, promotion, people, and positioning. These six components constituting the marketing mix, when combined to make a winning combination are the basis of a growing business.  Wal-mart's marketing is all about the customer-oriented merchandising. Wal-mart's own unique strategy right from the beginning has held it in good stead. Responding to a customer's requirement of low cost, high value and all under one roof convenience, Wal-Mart squeezed its suppliers, economized on all fronts, and passed onto the savings to the customers. Its widely publicized jingle, "low cost- Always" with a sunny yellow smiley face logo has created an extraordinary perception of the low price that has sent shoppers floc king to its aisle. Although Wal-Mart does less at a very low cost, there are a few items where Wal-Mart is not the cheapest, but people buy it nevertheless, due to the perceived image. Wal-Mart carries 150,000 items beneath one roof thereby making it a one-stop shop for the purchase. This is an added benefit for Wal-Mart in that not only people are offered more choice, but go through their entire shopping list in a single store setting Walmart's cash registers ringing.  Unlike its competitors, Wal-Mart, except for a few seasonal sales does not depend on sales for its revenues. While other competitors lure customers in advertising a few products on sale while hinging on the belief that this will trigger other purchases. Wal-Mart just banks on the perception that the entire merchandise is competitively priced and the customer can pick up an item, based on the contention he is getting the best bargain no matter what he loads his cart with.  With merchandise placed within easy acces s, Wal-Mart associates are more involved in stocking shelves and offer minimal service and this further reduces costs for Wal-Mart.  Customer-oriented marketing was successfully employed at Wal-Mart where the employees were utilized to understand the needs of the customers and the methodology of how they make their choices of products they require. In this way, the research was kept straightforward and simple, and Walmart's marketing was closely aligned to customer needs.

Transforming the balanced scorecard Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Transforming the balanced scorecard - Coursework Example tion view intangible assets as a source of competitive advantage as opposed to the view of the 19th century and early 20th-century firms (Kaplan and Norton 88). The Balanced Scorecard was introduced to provide a new framework for describing value-creating strategies that link tangible and intangible assets. It describes how to mobilize and combine intangible and tangible assets to develop differentiating customer-value offering and superior financial results. The program has helped over 200 executive teams. It allows the strategy to emerge from meetings and consultations with the senior executives. Then a general framework for describing and implementing the strategy known as the strategy map is developed. It creates a common and comprehensible point of reference for the company (Kaplan and Norton 92). Apart from its industrial application, Balanced Scorecard has also been adopted by non-profit and government organizations (NPGOs), however, it faces the challenge of a strategy that has not been clearly defined. It is important for the class to note that the Balance Scorecard is not just about performance measurement. It has evolved to become the organizing framework, for a new strategic management system. Its adoption has been observed to deliver good result. The Balanced Scorecard provides a recipe to combine with what exists in the organization for long-term value creation. The following points will be in class; strategic maps, other forms of performance measurement, Balanced Scorecard and NPGOs and beyond performance management (Kaplan and Norton

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Motivation to Help Essay Example for Free

Motivation to Help Essay This paper discusses the social psychological perspective on helping. It tackles the factors that lead people to help other people and the theoretical basis on such actions. It also includes a reflection on the altruistic property in helping. Motivation to Help The murder of Kitty Genovese in 1964 as one of the most disturbing cases where almost 40 people were witnesses but none of them called the police in time to rescue her. This baffled social psychologists as to how this was possible. The result of their investigation was the formation of the concept of the Genovese Syndrome. This condition is theorized to exist on certain emergency situations where people encounter a diffusion of responsibility. This was because of the notion that there will be someone who will carry out the responsibility (Alex, 2008). On a personal account, an example of this behavior was observed in the sidewalk near a well-known shopping center. A lady, approximately aged 50 years was walking on the nearly crowded pavement when two men riding a motorcycle snatched her bag. It was not easily taken from her since she tried to defend herself and her belongings. The struggle made the two men shoot the lady until she was down on the sidewalk. The initial reaction of the people there was to run away from the scene. When the two men quickly left, the people slowly went towards the lady. Nobody helped until the lady screamed in pain. There are a number of factors that have resulted to the lack of responsiveness of the people on the victim. One of which is the bystander effect. Since there are more people in the area, the responsibility of helping the victim is divided among them. Each of these people had two choices of whether they should act or wait for someone to do it. Thus, the more people there are in the area means that people feel less obligated (â€Å"The Bystander Effect†, n. d. ). Also, the scream of the lady may have somehow alarmed the people around her, which may have motivated the some people to finally help her. Basically, there are five steps to helping or prosocial behavior. First of all, in order to help, there must be a realization that something is happening. It must also be interpreted as an emergency. The person who is to help must also feel the responsibility towards the situation. He must also know how he is going to help. Finally, the costs of helping are also assessed (Stocker, n. d. ). In this particular scenario, the five steps were evident. Although the initial reaction was to run because of the gun shot, people did realize that it was an emergency situation. However, because there were a lot of people, they did not have much responsibility for the situation because of the assumption that someone will act. When the lady screamed and the two men left, it was the time when someone helped, knowing that the costs are already low and it was no longer dangerous. There are many theories which explain why people are motivated to help. However, the most widely accepted theory on the subject is the theory of Victor Vroom, known as the expectancy theory. This simply states that people are motivated to help because they are expecting something in return such as a reward, or a good performance appraisal (Shah, n. d. ). Based on this theory, the act of helping may not be truly altruistic because of the tendency to expect for something in return. If the one helping does not want anything as a reward, it may be because of other outside factors such as his social image, religion, or the dictate of the society. Nevertheless, additional helped could have been offered in the situation, knowing the there were a lot of people in the situation. If all of them felt responsible for the incident, it is most likely that the crime would have been prevented. References Alex. (2008, February 13). The Genovese Syndrome: When Nobody Helps. Retrieved July 14, 2010, from Neatorama: http://www. neatorama. com/2008/02/13/the-genovese-syndrome-when-nobody-helps/ Shah, K. , Shah, P. (n. d. ). Theories of Motivation. Retrieved July 14, 2010, from Laynetworks: http://www. laynetworks. com/Theories-of-Motivation. html# Stocker, S. (n. d. ). Social Psychology. Retrieved July 14, 2010, from http://webcache. googleusercontent. com/search? q=cache:P4aNe4_DzhsJ:www. spsp. org/student/intro/ppt/myers15. ppt+five+steps+to+prosocial+behaviorcd=4hl=enct=clnkgl=ph The Bystander Effect. (n. d. ). Retrieved July 14, 2010, from Changing Minds: http://changingminds. org/explanations/theories/bystander_effect. htm

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Padini Holdings Berhad Is A Malaysia Based Investment Marketing Essay

Padini Holdings Berhad Is A Malaysia Based Investment Marketing Essay Padini Holdings Berhad is a Malaysia-based investment holding company. Padini has setup its operation in Malaysias apparel industry, manufacturing and trading. Its product line includes garments for men, women and children; women shoes, maternity wear and fashion accessories for men, women and children.. It operates in Malaysia and Hong Kong. Its major subsidiaries include Vincci Ladies Specialties Centre Sdn. Bhd., Padini Corporation Sdn. Bhd., Seed Corporation Sdn. Bhd., Yee Fong Hung (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Mikihouse Childrens Wear Sdn. Bhd., Vincci Holdings Sdn. Bhd., Padini Dot Com Sdn. Bhd., The New World Garment Manufacturers Sdn. Bhd. and Padini International Limited. PEST ANALYSIS Political Factors In order to improve consumers spending in the clothing industry, Mega Carnival Sale has been implemented by the Malaysian government is to be held 3 times a year. Its main purpose is to promote Malaysia as a value for money shopping destination. This aggressive approach attracts the tourist to shop at the local apparel outlets, which in turn would increase foreign tourist spending and increases our countrys foreign exchange earnings. This would also encourage the Malaysians to shop locally, which would benefit Padini Holdings Bhd in terms of their sales. This has created an opportunity for the domestic companies. However the side effect of such activities would stimulate the domestic economy and increases the number of competitors in the domestic market. Nevertheless, Padini Holdings would still stand out as a market leader. Economic Factors Malaysias economic growth is to be has been unstable fluctuating from -1.5 to -2.6 from 2008 to 2010. The highest growth was during the period of March to September 2009 which increases from -7, 8 to 5.7. The economic growth is expected to be due to the domestic market with growth in the private sector. The private sector makes up the majority of the Malaysian economy, with private consumption accounting for nearly 44% of GDP. Love Malaysia, Buy Malaysia campaign was launched to by the government to get Malaysians to support domestic market and take holidays in local tourist sites. The government also subsequently launched a national campaign on wise spending, with the aim to educate consumers on the importance of domestic demand on the GDP growth and economic recovery as a whole. Social Factors Malaysian is classified as an upper middle-income country, and considered as one of the most developed among the developing countries. Middle income households defined as those earning between RM1, 500 and RM3, 500 per month, and has increased from 32.3% of total household population in 1995 to 37% in 1999. The low-income group, categorized by household income of up to RM1, 500 per month, spends a proportion of this amount on food. Meanwhile, the high and middle income households spend most of their money at hypermarkets. 3.4% of their income is spent on clothing and foot wear. Malaysias consumers lifestyle has been changing for the better due to the rise in education levels. High profile retailers as well as global mass media have shaped consumers buying behaviour, resulting in the Malaysians being more westernized. The Malaysians life leisure life revolves around trendy shopping malls. Therefore Padini Holdings Bhd has to be more update with the latest trends. They have to advertis e and keep the consumers informed and reminded that they still exist and provide the customers with quality and trendy clothes. Technological Factor With the Internet and e-commerce, retailers can now sell their products online and deliver it to customers on their door-step efficiently within a timely manner. It can make customers life more convenient as they do not need to get their house to go purchase a product in the hypermarket and making the purchase at the comfort of their own home. Furthermore, retailers can also sell their products to the overseas market without the need to open a physical store in the foreign country. This helps Padini Holdings to earn more profit using online intermediaries and cut costs by not establishing new stores in certain areas. PORTERS 5 FORCES 4.1 Intensity of rivalry among existing competitors In todays industry, many company has increase its size in order to competitively fit. Most company now is equally big in terms of size. When the firms are of equal size, they will have to compete for the same resources such as brand image, market share, customers loyalty, and other factor. This would result in a high rivalry and a threat for Padini Holdings Bhd, especially since its competitors: Giordano Holdings Bhd, Bonia Corporation Bhd and Esprit are of equal size. Hence, Padini has to compete with aggressive strategies, such as opening more outlets and creating new and trendier styles and designs to capture customers attention. Cost of switching is low The cost of switching is low, because customer will only have to compare prices of competitors clothing and services offered. They can also compare the styles of the clothing season. This increases the rivalry among competitors and Padini will never stop competing against Bonia, Esprit, Giordano to ensure that they make a sale, and that customers will always keep retuning because of the trendy clothing styles. This is a big catch for the competitors because constant advertising counts in calling to the customers. 4.2 Threat of Substitutes In the retailing and manufacturing industry for apparels, there is no visible substitute, because clothing is a basic need and necessity. However, there are potential substitutes in reaching to the customers. This is in the form of a non-retailing store, where by it is slowly gaining popularity in the Asian countries. Non-retailing include direct mail, online shopping, direct mailers, telephone sales, door-to-door selling. In Malaysia, we have already seen this appearing such as SmartShop, Cosway, Amway, and others. However the treat of substitutes is weak, because there isnt an entry yet on clothing only perhaps online shopping which is currently available at large, but hasnt gained popularity in the Asian culture. 4.3 The power of Buyers Padini has the same customer base as its competitors. Therefore, switching cost is low and if customers are not satisfied with the quality, and service offered it can switch easily to its competitors and purchase from them. The issue here is the fashion, how fashionable is the products of Padini and does it provide the better value to the customers than its adversary. The bargaining power of buyers here is moderate, and they can influence fashion and trend. Thus Padini must be sensitive to the customers ever changing trend to satisfy their needs. However, the products are differentiated, thus buyers arent able to find the same style and instead have to purchase from Padini even if the price is moderately high. 4.5 Threat of entry The existing companies such as Padini, Bonia and Elba have already established themselves with manufacturing. They are already operating at the lowest cost possible because their selling prices are much cheaper than foreign competitors. Since they achieved economic of scale it is difficult for new comers to come into the market, because they will face retaliation from the existing companies. New companies can come into the market, however they cannot operate in a large scale immediately, instead they can compete with smaller competitors that are not listed in the KLSE, and once they have been in the market for long and have expanded in size, can they start to compete with Elba, Padini, Espirit and Bonia. *Product Differentiation Established firms like Padini, Elba, and Bonia already have brand identification and customer loyalties. It has taken several years to obtain this through heavy expenditures spent on advertising, creating a good customer service, creating the products with style and fashion. As for Padini, they have acquired a large amount of market share after establishing its brand for a long time. Thus, entry here will be low because new companies will have to study the market and do good public relations to win the heart of consumers. Furthermore, it is very risky to build a brand name, because there is a potential of failure even if a big amount of money has been spent on advertising, thus suffering from a start up loss which may take years to recover. 5.0 COMPETITORS ANALYSIS Within the apparel industry, here are a number of retailers that have already been well established such as, Bonia, Espirit, and Giordano that are direct competitors of Padini. They are selling the same product but it is highly differentiated in their style, design and services provided. 5.1 5.2 Bonia Corporation Bhd Bonia was incorporated as a private company on 28th August 1981, and became public on 22nd June 1993. The Bonia Group is involved in the designing, manufacturing, marketing, retailing, wholesaling and franchising of fashionable leather goods, accessories and apparel for the local and overseas markets. Bonias market share in Malaysia and Singapore is currently between 35% and 40%. Bonia has two factories in Malaysia. The strengths possessed by Bonia is that have a superior and well established brand name, compared to the formal wear at Elbas fashion menswear. They have also expanded into the foreign market such as New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Thailand. Bonia has several promotional activities such as the members card, whereby point can be accumulated. The weakness of Bonia is that during the 97crisis, their financial performance had been affected, and in the later years, they had to change their strategy and focus on the core products and to ensure a profit, they had to dispose of their land which was meant for the construction of apartments. 5.3 Esprit Holdings Limited Headquartered in Hong Kong, Esprit Holdings Limited is engaged in the sourcing, retail and wholesale distribution and licensing of quality and lifestyle products designed under the globally recognized ESPRIT brand name. It has been a listed company in Hong Kong since 1993 and has a secondary listing on the London Stock Exchange since December 1998. The strengths of Esprit is that they have a very well established brand, and they have been expanding tremendously in the overseas market, and have ventured into new product lines such as sports wear and clothes for kids. They have been successful in their financial performance, and have managed to survive with positive figures even during the turbulent events that took place in the economy. However, the weakness is that in Malaysia itself, they are not very aggressive in their advertising. They seldom advertise when there is a sale or when any other promotional events are taking place or when they are launching a new clothing design. 5.6 Giordano The company was established in 1981 and it is one of the well known and established brands in the Asia Pacific region especially Malaysia. Giordano is a retailer of unisex casual wear apparel catering to a market which is young and looking for affordable clothes. Simplicity is perhaps the most important guiding principal of the brand Giordano feels that by keeping everything simple. The strengths of Giordano are that it offers simple clothing in terms of its designs. It is cheap compared to other foreign competitors like Esprit, and even with these affordable prices, their products are of good quality. The weakness however is that they have been doing poorly in their financial performance ever since the 97crisis took place. Thus, with insufficient funds, they are not able to aggressively advertise and expand their outlets across the Malaysia region. Conclusion The key success factors of Padini are that they are very aggressive in their advertising compare to most of their competitor. They recognize the value of promotions and advertising as a way of building a brand image. This incepts a strong image in the customers mind that it is a brand of great value and affordable for them. Padini is always one of the top few brand in the customers list when they buy their clothes especially formal dressings. Padini is always implementing new concepts diversely in the apparel industry in order to be unpredictable and stand out from its competitors. The firm is also began to expand into overseas neigbouring countries such as Bangkok and Thailand. This accounts for one of its globalization strategies. The downside of this company is that it has too many different brands. Their famous brands is Padini Concept and Vincci which is widely known by the consumers whereas the other brands are not well exposed to the customers. Some of them maybe known to the customer but they do not know that they belong to the same family.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Revelance In Modern Indian Strategic Context

Revelance In Modern Indian Strategic Context This single treatise on the Science of Politics has been prepared mostly by bringing together the teaching of as many treatises on the Science of Politics as have been composed by ancient teachers for the acquisition and protection of earth. Indian strategic thought in modern times is more often than not submerged in the western thought processes. Allusions to Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Clausewitz and more recently the treatise on Unrestricted Warfare by the two Chinese colonels is recurrent in the writings on theories of international relations and warfare, mostly crafted by the developed countries. Orations on political science consider the idea of the state as an European phenomena. Lessons on political theory and political philosophy confine to the Greek Trinity of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and stay within the Western World. Modern India, at times, seems to flounder in its responses to these thought processes. India, a nation, which bequeathed Zero to the world, is justifiably determined not to be reduced to a nonentity in the international arena. As it marches firmly into the 21st Century, it would do the nation a world of good, if it pauses, and looks back hard, at the rich strategic and military heritage of its own, stretching back to more than two and a half millennium of recorded history. Significant amongst them would be Kautilyas Arthashastra a cornucopia of economic, political, diplomatic, administrative, military and strategic perspicacity. Many of the aspects of a State that the Westphalian system incorporates in 1648, were already done by the Kautilyan State in 300 BC. India, it seems, has unfortunately turned its back on its rich heritage. Does this fourth century BC treatise have any relevance for modern times? Do we have anything to learn from it? Or is Kautilya predestined to be relegated to the dustbins of history or ordained to a few convenient quotations? Can we be justifiably proud of his astuteness or flinch at some of his statements to the point of disowning him or both? Has modern day warfare and international relations moved far ahead so as to render his teachings to be extraneous? Do we need to spend valuable time studying his manual? These are some of the thoughts that arise in the mind, as one occasionally picks up and glimpses through the Kautilyas Arthashastra. Hypothesis. With the above background, the following hypothesis has been formulated:- The timeless nature of Kautilyas teachings has significant relevance, both in the present and foreseeable future, for the conduct of foreign policy and warfare in the Indian context. Statement of the Problem. To prove the line of argument mentioned in the hypothesis, statement of the problem of the dissertation is as delineated below. To study the salient teachings of Kautilya and analyse their relevance, with respect to foreign affairs and warfare, in the Indian context, in the present and foreseeable future. Justification of the Study. Kautilya or Kautilya also known as Vishnugupta has had a reverential fascination for the Indian students of warfare. For many Indians, brought up in the Sino-Indian rivalry, subconsciously, he has been Indias answer to Chinas Sun Tzu (544 BC-496 BC) their nearly contemporaneous lives furthering their comparisons. However, unfortunately, the Indian Army has never institutionalized the study of Kautilya and his famous treatise Arthashastra. Promotion exams have never deemed it fit to cast a glance at the man and his work while seriously lapping up lesser mortals. But for a research project or a dissertation once in a couple of years, the neglect has been deafening. Stray quotes, often without the benefit of a serious study, do embellish individual speakers talks/presentations. Various seminars such as the Indian Art of warfare by the Integrated Defence Staff (IDS) in 2008, One Hundred Years of Kautilyas Arthashastra by the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) and a Worksho p on Kautilya by the IDSA on the 18 Oct 2012 have been held, however, no serious effort has been made to make Kautilyan Arthashastra a mandatory part of the curriculum in Indian Army. To be honest among ourselves, much of what passes for strategic thinking in India today is derivative, using concepts, doctrines and a vocabulary derived from other cultures, times, places and conditions. This is why, with a few honorable exceptions like the home-grown nuclear doctrine, it fails to serve our needs, impact policy, or to find a place in domestic and international discourse  [2]  . By reading Kautilya (and other texts like the Shantiparva of the Mahabharata) one is reminded of the rich experience in our tradition of multipolarity, of asymmetries in the distribution of power, of debate on the purposes of power (where dharma is defined), of the utility of force, and of several other issues with contemporary resonance. In many ways it is Indias historical experience of poly-centric multi-state systems, plurality, and of the omni-directional diplomacy and relativistic statecraft that it produced, which is closer to the world we see today. Does this fourth century BC treatise have any relevance for modern times? Do we have anything to learn from it? Or is Kautilya ordained to be consigned to the dustbins of history or relegated (as he is at present) to a few convenient quotations? Can one be justifiably proud of his teachings or cringe at some of his statements to the point of disowning him or both? Has modern day warfare and international relations moved far ahead to render his teachings irrelevant? Do we still need to spend valuable time studying his manual? These are some of the thoughts that arise in the minds as one occasionally picks up / glances through Kautilyas Arthashastra. It is interesting to note that many other antagonist countries neighbouring India, have studied Kautilyan theories in greater detail than we have, only to use Kautilyan model to contain and degrade Delhis power. The study is believed to be a part of the curriculum in the Defence Services Staff College at Quetta. The study of Kautilyas Arthashastra has to be annealed by the realism that the world has definitely moved on, especially since the Industrial and Informational Ages. The more significant of the changes include:- Nation-States have emerged since the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648 and have replaced monarchies. Democracy has spread its roots wide and deep and a more egalitarian society is on the upswing, albeit with glaring exceptions. The idea of war as the preferred option to settle disputes has been largely replaced by war as the frowned upon option in international forum with deterrence being the buzzword. Economics and trade in an progressively globalised and symbiotic world have become major thespians in the arena of international relations. Multi National Corporations (MNC) has grown in stature, power and influence. Religion as a factor has gained disproportionately greater prominence in international relations. Terrorism and fourth generation warfare have begun to alter the fundamental rules of warfare. Scales of destruction wrought by nuclear and conventional weapons have increased by phenomenal multiples coupled with increased battlefield transparency, real time data transfer, precision strikes and communications. Human migration and the consequent influence positive and negative of diasporas have created subtle pressure points. Notwithstanding the dramatic transformation in the society and conduct of warfare and diplomacy, any serious student of warfare needs to study Kautilyas Arthashastra. But why? As practitioners of national security, to gain a deeper understanding of ancient Indian military tradition. It is not only sufficient to lay claims as one of the worlds ancient civilizations, as military men, it is important to understand the military contribution to the growth of ancient Indian civilization. Certain aspects of warfare, international relations and internal security do not change and are timeless. Nation states are primarily driven by their national interests. Hence we must not fail to learn from the wealth of accumulated wisdom of centuries of yore since Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it  [3]  . Although, we live in a world that is different from Kautilyas in terms of technology and experience, But human responses are still similar, as is the behaviour of the states that humans create and run. Human emotions, however rational and cool, are the basic drivers of policies and actions at all levels. Reading and understanding Kautilya helps us by broadening our vision on issues of strategy. To develop pride in Indian lineage of strategic thought. To reconnect with the rich Indian tradition of strategic thought and contribute to the evolution of our own strategic vocabulary and thought. The fact that the script of Arthashastra was discovered only in 1905 and was translated and published in 1914, gave it a delayed start over many other schools of thought. Moreover, India at the height of Non-violent Independence Struggle and Gandhian-Nehruvian- Buddhist ideology had no place for Kautilya Neeti with its strong streak of Realist School of Thought. Indians own lack of pride in Ancient Indian Civilization and the desire of the elite to read English, speak English, think English and behave English could have led to the marginalisation of Kautilyan thoughts. The difficulty in studying Kautilya and his times are due to the cartographic gaps, poor state and progression of maps and the controversies about the age and identity of the Kautilya himself. The contemplations about the age of the work vary between 4th century BCE and 3rd Century ACE. There are different views about the authorship of the ArathaShastra. One holds that Kautilya was a single person who wrote it by himself while the other claims it to be a compiled work by authors under the rubric of Kautilya. A few scholars find the traces of all strategies and diplomacy within the Arthashastra while others allege that its importance is magnified and overstated. English translations published, including those of foreign authors were serious scholarly studies. Even Penguins Kautilya, The Arthashastra, a mammoth classic of 868 pages authored by L N Rangarajan (LNR) and published in a simplified form in 1992, dissuaded many but the most ardent of the readers. Arthashastra remained out of reach for all but the serious scholars. However, to the credit of the scholars, both Indian and foreign, it must be well acknowledged, that they have done a monumental service in bringing Arthashastra to our doorsteps. The Indian defence forces immersed in their studies of military campaigns and principles of warfare propounded by Europeans and Americans have found little use (but for a few quotations here and there) for a man who was supposed to have penned his thoughts during the Mauryan Era. In fact, the Indian defence forces have largely been guilty of neglecting pre-independence home-grown military craft and strategic thought. We are afflicted with neglect of our pre-modern histories. Indias supposedly incoherent strategic approach is actually a colonial construct, as is the idea of Indians somehow forgetting their own history and needing to be taught it by Westerners who retrieved it to perpetuate colonial rule and, after independence, to induce self-doubt and a willingness to follow. Limitations and Certain Guidelines Followed The study is limited by the authors inability to understand Sanskrit, the language in which Kautilya wrote his Arthashastra. The research is hence based on English Translations of Kautilyas Arthashastra. Prof RP Kangles seminal three volume publication, The Kautilya Arthashastra, has been considered as the basis of research, supplemented by Prof LN Rangarajans 868 pages classic, Kautilya The Arthashastra, published by Penguin, Dr R. Shamasastry, the first discover and translator of manuscript of Kautilyas Arthashastra and other publications mentioned in the bibliography. The names Kautilya and Kautilya have been interchangeably used since different authors have used either or both the names. Mostly, the dissertation has endeavoured to use the name Kautilya. Scope. This study will begin with the Arthashastra itself with more detailed consideration to those portions that specifically deal with interstate relations and warfare. Although there is a substantial text related to the economic, political, administrative, judicial and strategic aspects of the state, they will not be discussed in this thesis. Methods of Data Collection The study is based on descriptive research. All the information for the study is gathered from various books available in the library and from the Internet. The following books have been consulted:- The Kautilya Arthashastra by RP Kangle (CDM Library). Kautilyan Arthashastra by MB Chande (CDM Library). Kautilya Arthashastra original translation by R. Shamasastry in 1915. (Internet Download http://www.sdstate.edu/projectsouthasia/Docs/index.cfm). The First Great Political Realist : Kautilya and his Arthashastra by Roger Boesche (Recommended to be procured by CDM library USD 28). Layout The dissertation is organised into six chapters. Chapter One deals with introducing the subject, hypothesis and the methodology of the research. It is proposed to study the subject under the following heads:- Chapter 2 Introduction to Kautilya and his premier work the Arthashastra. Chapter 3 Essentials of Kautilyan teachings on foreign affairs and their relevance to modern times in Indian context. Chapter 4 Kautilyan thoughts on conduct of warfare and their relevance to modern times in Indian context. Chapter 5 Recommendations Conclusion. CHAPTER II KAUTILYA: THE MAN AND HIS WORK A PRIMER Introduction. Kautilya is well known in history as a kingmaker. He overthrew the last king of Nanda dynasty and placed the great Maurya Chandragupt on the throne and established him in Magadh. Magadh was the largest, richest, and most powerful kingdom in India in 300 BC. Kautilya was also known by other names such as Vishnugupt and Kautilya. There are various theories about origin of Kautilya. One theory is that he was a brahmin from Kerala who was in the court of Nanda King at Patliputra. Another states that he was a North Indian brahmin, born and educated at the famous town of Taxila who came to Patliputra to win laurels in philosophic disputations. Kautilya was known for his proficiency in the Vedas, skill in strategy, intrigue and also physical ugliness. There are various legends about the meeting of Kautilya and Chandragupt Maurya. Some say that Chandragupta was of a royal lineage and while he was shunted out from the Nanda Kingdom, saw a young Brahmin pouring sugar syrup on some grass so that the ants could eat up the grass which had cut his feet. Seeing the determination and perseverance of Kautilya, he asked him for help. Another story goes that the scholars of Patliputra recognising the genius in Kautilya had honoured him by making him president of a Sangha (Trust), which administered kings grants and charities. The king felt disgusted at the ugliness of Kautilya and developed contempt towards Kautilya. There was no refinement in the words and conduct of Kautilya. The king removed Kautilya from the post of the president, Kautilya vowed to uproot his dynasty. During his wanderings, he came across Chandragupta Maurya. He found Chandragupta and other boys playing in a field. In their games Chandragupta was always the king and other children brought their problems to him. Kautilya was impressed by the wisdom of the child and chose him to be the king. While it is not the purpose of this research paper to question the veracity of the the origin of Arthashastra, it is nevertheless necessary to briefly touch upon this subject with a larger aim in mind. Whatever may have been the true circumstances of their meeting, both needed each other. After Kautilya got Chandragupta educated at Taxila, together they set about attacking the Nanda kingdom. Jointly they succeeded in defeating the king and installing Chandragupta as the king. They expanded the empire and created a vast kingdom in the Indus valley and the Gangetic plains even destroying the Greek-Macedonian troops led by Alexander the Great and firmly established the Maurya Empire. Once the empire was established, Kautilya retired from active life and is believed to have written Arthashastra during that period around 320 BC. Scriptures say that it is more in upbringing that makes a man as compared to his genetic makeup or even the company he keeps. Therefore it is important to know the atmosphere in which a person was brought up to make out his essence. However, our ancient historians and writers were not well versed with keeping a very exhaustive record of their times. This becomes more evident in the case of Kautilya whose early life has not been recorded. However, almost all agree to the fact that Kautilya was born to a well read scholar who knew the importance of education. It is this background that needs to be examined in any objective study of Kautilya. Kautilya has been misunderstood by a lot of people, mainly the modern western scholars. He was fearless, not afraid of death, disgrace or defeat. He was compassionate of the poor and kind and evil to schemers. His writings which clearly show his fearlessness in the pursuit of truth have been echoed over 2000 years later when Swami Vivekananda cried out, Arise, Awake, and Sleep not till the goal is reached. Probably the most accurate description of Kautilya can be found in Nehrus words in the Discovery of India, Kautilya has been called the Indian Machiavelli and to some extent the comparison is justified. But he was a much bigger person in every way, greater in intellect and reason. He was no mere follower of a king or a humble adviser of an all powerful emperor. He was bold and scheming, proud and revengeful, never forgetting a slight, never forgetting his purpose, availing himself of every device to delude and delude and defeat the enemy. He sat with the reins of empire in his hands and looked upon the emperor more as a loved pupil than as master. Simple and austere in life, uninterested in pomp and pageantry of high position, when he had redeemed his pledge and accomplished his purpose, he retired to a life of contemplation. There is an ethical undertone in his thought and teaching. If one looks closely into his teaching, it is seen that Kautilya advocated moderation in material pleasures and adherence to the path of righteousness. He himself lived such a life, refusing all adornments or riches even after establishing the first Indian empire. He constantly exhorted to give up sensory pleasure and cultivate qualities like kindness, patience etc. In talking about the four stages of life (commonly followed in Hinduism), he feels mixing of spiritual and sensual aspects are essential with the former slowly displacing the latter in stages. One can go on and on with illustrations to prove Kautilyas farsightedness, keenness of perception, and infallibility. Arthashastra In 1902 a little known Bhatta Swamy of Tanjore chanced upon 168 palm leaves of text written sometime in the 4th century BC, he handed it over to a Sanskrit scholar Dr Rudrapatna Shama Shastry, who was a curator at Oriental Research Institute (ORI) of Mysore. Dr Rudrapatna Shama Shastry deciphered it to be the Kautilan Arthashastra and published the text in1909 and an English translation in 1915 along with an Index Verborum listing the occurrence of every word in the text. Subsequently another original manuscript and some fragments, in a variety of scripts, were discovered. Dr R Shamasastry then revised his original translation. In addition to Dr R Shama Shastrys translation there is an edition of the text with a complete Sanskrit commentary by T Ganapati Sastri, a German translation with voluminous notes by Mr JJ Meyer, a Russian translation and translations in many Indian languages. Sometime in 1960s Dr RP Kangle of Bombay University published an edition of three volumes which contained the text with precise numbering of the verses, an English translation and an exhaustive study. In 1990 Dr LN Rangarajan published an edited and rearranged translation that has grouped the verses and improved clarity. Dr RP Kangle first published his three-volume edition between 1960 and 1965. The Volume I contains a definite critically edited text with precise numbering of the Sutras and Verses, Volume II is an English translation with the detailed notes which take into account all other translations and Volume III is an exhaustive study.  [4]  The reference in this dissertation to Kautilya Arthashastra i.e. the Book, Chapter and Shlokas is from Kangles English translation i.e. Volume II, unless otherwise specified. Arthashastra is a the product of centuries of evolved strategic thinking. Kautilya himself cites several previous authorities differing views on many issues. Bharadvaja, Vishalaksha, Parasara, Pisuna and others are mentioned often. Kautilya argues with them, while presenting their views before his own. Sadly, what we know of many of them is limited to what Kautilya tells us  [5]  . Kautilyan Arthashastra is a treatise on Arthashastra by Kautilya. The word Artha is the sustenance or livelihood (Vrtthih) of men; in other words, it means the earth inhabited by men. Arthashastra is the science, which is the means of the acquisition and protection of the earth. In words of the author himself The subsistence of mankind is termed artha, wealth; the earth which contains mankind is termed artha, wealth; that science which treats the means of acquiring and maintaining the earth is the Arthashastra, Science of Polity. The Arthashastra, literally translated as the art of wealth, is an examp le of a genre common to the period. Arthashastra is a handbook for the king on art of governance. It is defined as the Shastra that shows how this activity of the acquisition and protection of the earth should be carried out. Arthashastra has a two-fold aim. First, it seeks to show how the ruler should protect his territory. This protection (palana) refers principally to the administration of the state. Second, it shows how territory should be acquired. This acquisition (labha) refers principally to the conquest of territory from others. Artha is understood to stand for material well-being as well as the means of securing such well-being, particularly, wealth. Thus, Arthashastra is understood as the science dealing with state affairs in the internal as well as the external sphere it is the science of statecraft or of politics and administration.  [6]  The name Arthashastra for the science of politics and administration, though unusual, appears to be quite old and even finds mention in Mahabharata  [7]  . Thus the two cover the whole range of state activity. The Kautilyan Arthashastra contains fifteen Adhikaranas or Books, 150 Chapters, 180 Sections and 6000 Shlokas  [8]  . Of these, the first five deal with tantra or the internal administration of the state, the next eight deal with avapa or relations of a state with neighbouring states, while the last two are miscellaneous in character.  [9]  Kautilyan Arthashastra is a detailed examination of all factors affecting the internal administration of the state, foreign policy and waging war. The topics covered by each of these 15 books are given below: Book 1. Deals with king his training, the appointment of ministers and other officers of the state, the daily routine to be followed by the ruler and his safety and security. Book 2. Describes the duties of various executive officers of the state and a full picture of state activities in agriculture, mining, leisure activities and so on. Book 3. It is concerned with law and the administration of justice, reproduces a complete code of law. Book 4. Deals with the suppression of crime and includes sections on detection of crime, control over merchants and artisans, torture and capital punishment. Book 5. It is a miscellaneous collection of topics including the salary scales of officials Book 6. It is very short, containing only two chapters, but both are important, since they set out the theoretical basis for the whole work. The first chapter sets out the theory of the constituent element of a state and the second the theory of foreign policy. Book 7. It contains an exhaustive discussion on the way in which each of the six methods of foreign policy may be used in various situations that are likely to arise in the conduct of foreign policy. Book 8. This is concerned with Vyasanas, usually translated as calamities, which may affect adversely the efficient functioning of the various constituent elements. Book 9. Deals with preparation for war and includes topics such as the different kinds of troops that could be moblised, the proper conditions for starting an expedition and the dangers to be guarded against before starting. Book 10. This book is concerned with fighting and describes the main battle camp, types of battle arrays and different modes of fighting. Book 11. This book has only one chapter and describes how a conqueror should tackle oligarchies governed by a group of chiefs instead of a single king. Book 12. It shows how a weak king, when threatened by a stronger king, should frustrate the latters designs and ultimately overcome him. Book 13. This book is concerned with conquest of the enemys fort by subterfuge / fight. It also describes how the conquered territories should be ruled. Book 14. It deals with secret and occult practices. Book 15. Describes the methodology and the logical techniques used in the work.  [10]   Disputes Over Period of Arthashastra The arguments put forth by the non-traditional school are many. The significant ones amongst them are outlined in the succeeding lines. There are no references to Chandragupta Maurya and his kingdom and his rule in Kautilyas Arthashastra. It also does not refer to the wars fought by Chandragupta. Megasthenes, the Greek Ambassador at the court of Chandragupta Maurya, in his famous account, Indica, does not refer to Kautilya at any time. Julius Jolly a German scholar for example, argues that according to Megasthenes, Indians knew only five metals and were inexperienced in mining and metallurgy, but the Arthashastra shows a highly developed technical skill and knowledge of chemical processes including knowledge of alchemy.  [11]  Hence it belongs to a later date. Theres also no reference to Pataliputra, the capital of Chandragupta Maurya at all in the text. Further, the text is primarily addressed to the ruler of a comparatively small state, a member of a circle of twelve more or less similar states.  [12]  This argument is also advanced to imply that the treatise was written much latter, even later than the Gupta period, when there was no empire in India. With respect to place names which figure in the text in Book 2 (The Activity of the Heads of Departments), K Nag has this to say Every serious historian will hesitate to consider as written in the fourth century BC, a treatise containing names like Harahura and Kapisa, Kamboja and Aratla, Bahilika and Vanayu (Arabia), Tamraparni and Pandyakarataka, Suvarna Kudya and Suvarna Bhumi, Cina and Nepala.  [13]  The mention of Cina has been especially singled out to indicate that the name came to be used for China only after the Chin dynasty established its sway over the whole of China in the second half of the third century BC  [14]  . The appearance of the word surunga a tunnel is shown by Otto Stein that the word is Greek in origin and hence a work making such frequent use of the word could not have been written so early as the fourth century BC  [15]  . Further, Stein asserts that the Arthashastra cannot claim a higher antiquity than those sciences, which the Chapter 2.10 (T he Topic of Edicts) presupposes, viz, stylistics, niti and writing  [16]  . The use of Sanskrit instead of Prakrits for writing royal decrees (as was done during Ashokas period and the practice of the Satavahanas  [17]  is also held up to indicate a later date. Others state that Arthashastra uses Philosophical Sutras, which appeared not before the fifth century AD. Certain well known treatises having similarity of content, like Yajna Valkaya, Manu Smriti, SilpaShastra AlamkaraShastra and Kamasutra of Vastsyayana have also been referred to, to indicate that Kautilyas Arthashastra could not have preceded them and hence has to be assigned a later date (third or fourth century AD). Some like RG Bhandarkar refer to the circumstance that Patanjali in his Mahabhasya  [18]  does not mention Kautilya, though he refers to the Sabha of Chandragupta and to the Mauryas. He therefore concludes that Kautilya must be assigned to a date later than that of the Mahabhasya  [19]  . Kangle in his seminal work has considered each of these objections and a few more. He then goes on to systematically put forth convincing arguments against them and proves that Kautilyas Arthashastra was indeed written in the fourth century BC. Megasthenes Indica is not completely available and is preserved only in fragments. One cannot be

Monday, August 19, 2019

death of a salesman Essay -- essays research papers

In the play, Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, Linda Loman’s character is viewed differently by many people. Some critics have seen Linda as a â€Å"controlling mother figure† who is actually the one to blame for this failure of both her sons and her husband. In this report I will defend this view citing specific examples from the play. Linda was undoubtedly the only one in control throughout the play. I believe that Linda tried to be a good mother and wife but she did not really know what she was doing. At the very beginning of the book we see that Willy, on his way to Boston, has come home because he was unable to concentrate on the road. And just as he was beginning to figure out why, she took his mind off the subject by suggesting that the problem was with the car’s steering and not with him. â€Å"Oh. Maybe it’s the steering again. I don’t think Angelo knows the Studebaker.†. And again: â€Å"Maybe it’s your glasses. You nev er went for your new glasses.†. By repeatedly doing this throughout the play Linda keeps Willy from facing the truth about himself. Also Linda gives Willy undeserved compliments, agreeing with him on his looks and ambition.; meanwhile, he has no true ambition. This causes Willy to build himself up into a great man. Another example of this is when Willy goes to see Howard Wagner about getting a job at home or at least close to home. While we realize how unlikely it is that Willy will get his wish, Willy does not realize this and Linda, who I believe is smart eno...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Book Review of The Things they Carried Essay -- essays research pape

Tim O’Brien’s, The Things they Carried is a riveting tale of struggle and sacrifice, self indulgence and self pity, and the intrapersonal battles that reeked havoc on even the most battle tested soldiers. O’Brien is able to express these ideas through eloquent writing and descriptive language that makes the reader feel as if he were there. The struggle to avoid cowardice is a prevailing idea in all of O’Brien’s stories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In â€Å"On the Rainy River†, O’Brien writes of intrapersonal struggle in its most profound form. The gripping torture of indecision seemed to paralyze Lt. Jimmy Cross in every move he made. Fear is what kept him away from the war, and fear is what made him join his countrymen in battle. A pacifist who did not support the war, the narrator Jimmy Cross was forced to make the difficult decision of what was more important to him. In the end, it was Cross’s reluctancy to deal with the consequences of pacifism which made his decision to go to war. That indecision seems to stay with Cross throughout the book and causes him much hardship in many of the short stories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The struggle to avoid cowardice is very important to the narrator. In his time near the Canadian border, he has much time for self reflection. That self reflection seemed to be something very necessary for Lt. Jimmy Cross. While there, he discovered that devotion to his family, his hometown, and his country was stronger than devotion to his own mora...

The Essence of Tragedy in The Book of Job and Oedipus Rex :: comparison compare contrast essays

The Essence of Tragedy in The Book of Job and Oedipus Rex    In the search for the essence of the tragedy, The Book of Job and Oedipus Rex are central. Each new tragic protagonist is in some degree a lesser Job or Oedipus, and each new work owes an indispensable element to the Counselors and to the Greek idea of the chorus. The Book of Job, especially the Poet's treatment of the suffering and searching Job, is behind Shakespeare and Milton, Melville, Dostoevski, and Kafka. Its mark is on all tragedy of alienation, from Marlowe's Faustus to Camus' Stranger, in which there is a sense of separation from a once known, normative, and loved deity or cosmic order or principle of conduct. In emphasizing dilemma, choice, wretchedness of soul, and guilt, it spiritualized the Promethean theme of Aeschylus and made it more acceptable to the Christianized imagination. In working into one dramatic context so great a range of mood---from pessimism and despair to bitterness, defiance, and exalted insight---it is father to all tragedy where the stress is on the inner dynamics of man's response to destiny. Oedipus stresses not so much man's guilt or forsakeness as his ineluctable lot, the stark realities which are and always will be. The Greek tradition is less nostalgic and less visionary---the difference being in emphasis, not in kind. There is little pining for a lost Golden Age, or yearning for utopia, redemption, or heavenly restitution. But if it stresses man's fate, it does not deny him freedom. Dramatic action, of course, posits freedom; without it no tragedy could be written. In Aeschylus' Prometheus Kratos (or Power) says, "None is free but Zeus," but the whole play proves him wrong. Even the Chorus of helpless Sea Nymphs, in siding with Prometheus in the end, defy the bidding of the gods. Aeschylus' Orestes was told by Apollo to murder his mother, but he was not compelled to. The spirit with which he acquiesced in his destiny ( a theme which Greek tragedy stresses as Job does not) is of a free man who, though fated, could have withdrawn and not acted at all. Even Euripides, who of all the Greek Tragedians had the direst view of the gods' compulsiveness in man's affairs, shows his Medea and Hippolytus as proud and decisive human beings. And, as Cedric Whitman says about the fate of Oedipus, the prophecy merely predicted Oedipus' future, it did not determine it.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Secrets of Finding and Keeping Good Employees

Lebanese American University Business Department Management Theory Secrets of Finding and Keeping Good Employees Presented to: Dr. N. Beyruti Presented by: Mahdi El Horchi Hussein Marmar Date: 02/10/2006 Introduction: In our days, employment became a hard process in which many managers are complaining about it. In addition, hiring good employees is essential to run a good business on a daily basis and for a long run. Thus, employees would be the heart and the soul of a business. On the other hand, Interviewing is an important process in the preselection of good employees and so opening a gate to have the right person in the right position. Interviewing is an art of gathering information and trying to learn about candidates before selection. Furthermore, Recruitment is a chain of events that could have sequential and disastrous consequences. Thus, designing a good interview should not address or talk about job requirements before the interview starts. On the other side, many savvy applicants could mask their true capabilities and thus inaccurate image could be drawn. Interview Requirements: The interview process should: – Define the position that the applicant is admitting for. – Address questions specific to the position and requires conscious behavior. Check or test the ability of interviewer to do the interview. – Be more scientific and less emotional – Check the steps that are taken for the final hiring process. – Avoid group interviewing that would become a â€Å"game of tag† Consequences of Bad Employment: Bad employees not only affect an employer by driving down sales, co sting the company unwanted expenses due to negligence or simple lack of motivation, but affect customer as well. In addition, wrong decisions and demotivated employees could lead to: – Heightened feelings of stress for the employee in his daily work. – A chain of disastrous events that does irreparable damage. An increase in absenteeism. – Frustrated and angry mangers that try to employ motivation techniques; KITA (kick-in-the-ankle) – A â€Å"lose-lose† situation for all company stakeholders. Hiring Strategies: Selecting and hiring candidates could take several forms: – Interviewing to check the background of the interviewer – Personality characteristics assessments. – Abilities assessments – Interest assessments – Integrated assessments. These assessments facilitate dramatically the hiring process by identifying the thinking styles, occupational interests and behavioral traits and allow the visualization of the â€Å"total person†. To complete the assessment process behavior tendencies play an important role in increasing individual productivity by identifying personal accommodation , assertiveness, attitudes, energy level, independence, objective judgment, sociability, manageability and decisiveness. Keeping and Maintaining Good Employees: As important as attracting good employees is, it is just as important to retain them. As always, benefit packages help to retain employees. After spending as much time as you should have in attracting good employees, it only makes sense that you would go to certain lengths to keep them. Essential tools in keeping and maintaining good employees: – Offer opportunities for personal growth. – Build an organization culture that appreciates personal achievement and performance. – Construct a newsletter that nominates the employee-of-the-month. – Sustain a comfortable environment that empowers employees. – Understand that many employees are motivated by their social networks at work. – Encourage team involvement. – Make benefits more accessible. – Create clear paths at the company. – Share challenges and successes. Hiring and retaining good employees goes hand in hand; and the assessment process should be tested for their ability and reliability to establish a â€Å"win-win† situation for people to be happier, produce more and experience less stress. In addition organizational culture should build into it an employer recognition and appreciation to look to their strengths over their weaknesses and their power over their problems. Finally, companies should be aware of matching the right person to the right job and secure its employees in a more convenient and comfortable environment.